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GOLFING OKLAHOMA - STATE #48 -Karsten Creek and Jimmie Austin at OU


Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Karten Creek, named in honor of Karsten Solheim, founder of Ping golf is home to the championship Oklahoma State University golf team. This elegant course was in as fine a shape as we have ever seen. The greens were smooth as glass and lightening fast – it only took us four, five…ok six holes to figure out the speed! Another unforgiving course, as any shot off the fairway is gobbled up by the extremely tall grass, lost forever. A forward friendly course – made Liz very happy and once again shot within her average…Jeff did better (than in Kansas – see below). Overall, although the experience was wonderful, for non-members, the greens fee may make you reconsider playing.

Jimmie Austin, located on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, was a charming and well manicured course just about to host the US Amateur Public Links Championship (July 2009). Before our round we had a great chat about traveling the country with the Starter, Larry, who also does his own share of country touring. The course was well laid out with room for errant shots (unlike the other two course we just played – see below Karten Creek and Cottonwood Hills – it was a nice change of pace!) The fairways were lined with impressive trees, which we thankfully managed to avoid during our round! A unique feature of this course were the Tee markers – which are roman numerals I - IV rather than colored labels and honored the school colors of red and white. And a final mention, we just could not resist, are the arguably most comfortable golf carts we have had the pleasure to use (less our visit to Courd’Alene Idaho). Thanks also to Tyler for stopping by at the turn to say hello. Overall, a great value for the experience and we highly recommend a round!

Two great rounds in OK! Karsten Creek and Jimmie Austin at OU.


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